January has been a very busy, stressful month. And probably the most rewarding one I've had in this 1 1/2 year journey as a stand up comedian.
In January I hosted numerous shows, went on the road to Laffs in Tucson, AZ, did 6 shows in Claremont, auditioned for The Gong Show, filmed for network TV on Laughs, and produced my own Main Room show at Flappers Burbank. Oh. I have 3 other paying jobs and some resemblance of a social life. But there are lessons I'm learning while pursuing this stand up dream, and here are a few life lessons I've learned because of comedy. Today I wanna talk about "silent heckling" or when the audience doesn't laugh. There are two ways an audience doesn't laugh. 1. They are smiling and enjoying themselves but aren't loud. 2. They just don't find the comedy laugh-worthy. Both are demoralizing. And this form of silent heckling can kill the spirit of the person on stage. Here's the weirdest part, the same jokes that killed in Tucson can get crickets in L.A. and vice versa. What happened? Did I get funnier or less comedic? Neither. Just like in life, you aren't going to connect with everyone the same. People can be silent hecklers in real life. Their silence can be disapproval or just quiet appreciation. Then they tell you, after a while, they've loved you or to stay away. In January I had 25 shows. 5 were disasters. Absolute crickets. 20 were fun and the audience engaged. My 5 shows in Tucson were killer shows! Just killer! People loved it! I had 3 shows in the outskirts of L.A. that were rough the next week. Same material. Same me. Different environments. George Carlin said if they laugh on Friday, not on Saturday, it's not you, it's them...go make them laugh Sunday. Kind of like in life. If you have silent hecklers of disapproval, go find those who appreciate you. Because in the end, those were the ones you were meant to engage with. And sometimes you have to go on the road to find them.
"8 Things She's looking for in a guy"Hey guys! Want to know what women are looking for? Her are 8 characteristics you should working on to get the girl of your dreams!
1. Be Tall Chicks dig a tall dude. If you can get youself to 6 foot or taller, you'll totally win her over! This is totally in your control! 2. Make a ton of money Are you making minimum wage? Or just around $20 an hour? If so...make more! Women love a guy who can afford everything they want! 3. Be more ripped Going to the gym twice a day? You're not?! Well get to it, bud! She ain't bringing your flabby butt around her friends! 4. Play a musical instrument The ladies love a rock star. In between that 60 hour work week and the gym, try to learn an instrument. Guitar players get a lot of women. 5. Have a lot of free time to spend with her if you're too busy making money, getting ripped, and pursing artistic endeavors, she will probably leave you! So you better find a job that's done by 4pm and weekends off! With tons of vacay time! 6. Understand her every need all the time If you're not in tune with her 24/7, then obviously you're not soulmates, and she's right, Thad from the gym is. 7. Be a dad who can do it all After your 75 hour work week, guitar lessons, gym time, and comforting her 24/7, you need to be the dad of the month. If you're not coaching every sport they play, then don't be surprised when the coach becomes your kid's new step dad. 8. Be a non-judgemental, enlightened, spiritual guru Once you realize physical material things are useless, like your job, your body, your income, your passions, and your life, then you too can be the guru she desires. Okay, gents! You're all set. Just follow these non conflicting desirable traits, and you too will land the perfect girl! |
Paul Douglas Moomjean Blog's About What's on His MindBlogging allows for me to rant when there is no stage in the moment to talk about what's important and/or funny to me. Archives
February 2025
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